My Faith Islam 10 Fiqh & Adiyat

My Faith Islam 10 Fiqh & Adiyat -> abstract

“The Qur’an is a sacred book sent by the Lord of all creation. It is a book for all human beings, because it has been sent by that Divine Being who is the Allah of all of us. The Qur’an is no new heavenly scripture. It is only an authentic edition of the previous heavenly scriptures. In this respect, the Qur’an is a book for all human beings, of all nations. It is the expression of Allah’s mercy for one and for all. It is a complete message sent by Allah for every one of us. The Qur’an is a light of guidance for all the world just as the sun is the source of light and heat for all the world.”

“A believer performs his ablutions before praying five times a day by washing his face, hands and feet. He takes a bath daily to purify his body. His clothes may be simple, but he always likes to wear well laundered clothes. Along with this he likes to keep his home clean. Therefore, he cleans his home daily and keeps all his things in their proper places. All these duties become part of his daily life.”

My Faith Islam 10 Fiqh & Adiyat -> content

FIQH islamic law 
LESSON 1 Tilawah of the Qur’an 
LESSON 2 Taharah 
LESSON 3 Istinja’ 
LESSON 4 Glossary of Arabic Terms 
LESSON 5 Wudu’ 
AD‘IYAH wa ADAB supplications and etiquette 
Du’a’s of Salah
LESSON 1 Thana’ (Introductory Eulogy) 
LESSON 2 Tasbih (Glorification) in Ruku’
                    I’lan (Declaration) when Arising from Ruku’
                    Hamd (Praise) in Qawmah
                    Tasbih (Glorification) in Sajdah 
LESSON 3 Tashahhud (Testimony of Devotion) 
LESSON 4 Salawat Ibrahim (Abrahamic Benedictory Prayer) 
LESSON 5 Du’a’ of Istighfar (Supplication for Pardon) 
LESSON 6 Du’a’ after Conclusion of Prayer 

My Faith Islam 10 Fiqh & Adiyat -> Read PDF Copy

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chapters of this course 12 chapters

  • Tilawatul Quraan & its virtue

  • Tilawatul Quran: rules and etiquette

  • What is Taharah

  • Istinja in Islam

  • Khowing Islamic Term

  • Steps to performing Wudu

  • Fard and Sunnah acts in Wudu

  • Additional information about Wudu

  • Duaa Revision Grade 1

  • Duaa Revision Grade 2

  • Duaa Revision Grade 3

  • Beauty of thana

  • Tasbih in salah

  • Tashahhud in Salah

  • Salawat in Salat

  • Istigfar in Salah

  • Duaa after Salah

  • etiquettes of Salah

  • 0 review


Duration 9 h

My Faith Islam 10 Fiqh & Adiyat