“Although my aim has primarily been to facilitate the
instruction of teachers and the assimilation of children I hope it will benefit
parents too. I will deem my efforts well rewarded if it inspires young Muslims
to understand and practice Islam passionately.”
(Stories of the prophets)
1 The Story of Musa[a]
2 The Story of ‘Isa [a]
(life of nabi muhammad [s])
gr. 1-2 291
1 The Birth of the Prophet [s]
2 The Prophet’s [s] Youth
3 The Revelation Begins
4 Cruelty of the Quraysh
5 The Mi’raj
6 The Hijrah to Madinah
7 The Victory of Islam
(History of Islam)
LESSON 1 Sayyiduna ‘Uthman [r]
LESSON 2 Sayyiduna ‘Ali [r]
QASAS / Lesson 1: The Story of Musa[a](1 h 30 min)
Prophet Musaa (a) in Brief
Musaa (a) P-1: From the Palace to Madyan
Musaa (a) P-2: Go to Fi'raw
QASAS / Lesson 2: The Story of ‘Isa [a](2 h )
Nabi Isaa (a) in brief
Prophet Isaa (a) P-1: Miraculous birth and Banu Israel
Prophet Isaa (a) P-2: The prophethood and His Preaching
Prophet Isaa (a) P-3: raising to heaven
SIRAT / Lesson 1: The Birth of the Prophet [s](1 h 30 min)
The birth at a glance
The birth part 1
The Birth Part 2
SIRAT / Lesson 2: The Prophet’s [s] Youth(1 h 30 min)
The youth at a glance
The Youth part 1
The youth part 2
SIRAT / Lesson 3: The Revelation Begins(1 h 30 min)
The Revelation
The Prophethood Of Muhammad Sm
From Cave To The House
SIRAT / Lesson 4: Cruelty of the Quraysh(1 h )
The Quraysh & Makkan Muslims
Preaching Islam In Makka
SIRAT / Lesson 5: The Mi’raj(1 h )
The Mi'raj At A Gnance
Story Of The Mi'raj
SIRAT / Lesson 6: The Hijrah to Madinah(1 h )
What Is Hijrah And Why
Story Of Prophet's Hijrah, Migration
SIRAT / Lesson 7: The Victory of Islam(1 h )
Islam Spread Everywhere Of Arabia
Islam Is A Victorious Religion
TARIKH / Lesson 1: Sayyiduna ‘Uthman [r](33 min)
The Third Khalif
The generosity of Uthman ra
TARIKH / Lesson 2: Sayyiduna ‘Ali [r](1 h )
The Fourth khalif
The little Muslim