My Faith Islam 9 Aqaid & Akhlaq

My Faith Islam 9 Aqaid & Akhlaq -> abstract

“The preservation of the religious and moral heritage of Muslims is important as well as complex. To impart Islamic education to children and to enable them to grow as Muslims in modern society offers a great challenge to us. A fundamentally important facet in this context is Islamic didactic material. It gives me pleasure to say that the book ‘MY FAITH, ISLAM’ represents a positive attempt to address this challenge. " 

"This text is designed to be both practical and interesting. I hope that the users will find the variety of topics, exercises and extracts do, in fact, fulfil that aim. An effort has been made to present the matter in a methodical and readable manner and all major Islamic topics pertinent to Muslim children have been included. The text has been presented in lesson format and I have used language which is simple and a style that is appealing to young minds. I have attempted to narrate the facts in such a way that there is a moral lesson for the learners in each section and through every lesson, I attempt to motivate the learner to imbibe the spirit of Islam and transform it into practical living."

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chapters of this course 6 chapters

  • As sameei' : The all-Hearing

  • Three men and their Suplications

  • Allah's Limitless Mercy

  • never be hopeless from Allah's Mercy

  • Repentance and Allah's mercy

  • Islam is religion of peace and obedience

  • Islam and racism

  • Did you see what was in his heart?

  • Teachers and Respects

  • Story on Respecting the teachers

  • Valuable saying about Teacher

  • Be kind to your neighbours

  • Abd-ul-Qadir Jilani and his neighbour

  • Respects For Guests

  • Respect for Hosts

  • Story on hosting Prophet's guest

  • 0 review


Duration 8 h

My Faith Islam 9 Aqaid & Akhlaq