My Faith Islam 8 Qasas, Seerat & Tareekh

My Faith Islam 8 Qasas, Seerat & Tareekh -> abstract

Human destiny, by Islamic lights, is a matter of man having been placed on this earth by Allah, so that he may be put to the test - the test being of his capacity to make correct moral choices. It is for this purpose that man has been given complete freedom, for, without such freedom, the divine test would have no meaning nor validity.

The concept of prophethood is totally different from that of incarnation. According to the latter concept, God Himself is re-born in human shape on earth to give succour to humanity. Prophethood, according to Islam, is of quite another order of being. A prophet in the Islamic sense is a man, just like any other human being. His uniqueness resides solely in his also being a messenger of Allah.

According to Islam, prophethood is not acquired but Allah-given. That is, it is not possible to engage in spiritual exercises and then, as a result, be elevated to prophethood. The Prophet does not have any say in the matter of selection. The choice depends upon Allah alone.

chapters of this course 9 chapters

  • Nabi Nuh at a glance

  • Story of Nuh (a) Part-1

  • Story of Nuh (a) Part-2

  • Propher Ibrahim at a glace

  • Story of Ibrahim (a) Part 1

  • Story of Ibrahim (a) Part 2

  • Story of Ibrahim (a) Part 3

  • Early Life of the Prophet Muhammad [s]

  • The Quraysh & Makkan Muslims

  • Preaching Islam in Makka

  • The Mi'raj at a Gnance

  • Story of the Mi'raj

  • What is Hijrah and Why

  • Story of Prophet's Hijrah (migration)

  • Islam spread everywere of Arabia

  • Islam is a Victorious Religion

  • Umar (r) : the second khalif

  • Umar (r): A just and kind ruler

  • Fatima (r) : The Prophet's Doughter

  • Fatima (r): The Queen of Paradise.

  • 0 review


Duration 10 h

My Faith Islam 8 Qasas, Seerat & Tareekh