My Faith for beginners

My Faith for beginners -> abstract

“The sun and the moon are running and moving peacefully. All other creation as well growing, living and moving peacefully. Allah’s creations are naturally peaceful. Why? Because they are always obeying Allah’s order and guidance. So, they are peaceful. Islam is the guidance of Allah for mankind. Islam means peace. Mankind will be peaceful if they follow Islam. Islam brings complete peace in our lives.”

My Faith for beginners -> Read PDF Copy

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chapters of this course 11 chapters

  • Allah created everything

  • Look at the sky!

  • How do we know Allah?

  • Worship Allah

  • Allah's gifts to me

  • The last prophet

  • Muhammad's (s) life

  • The final book

  • My parents.

  • Remembrance of Allah

  • La ilaha illala

  • Peaceful religion

  • What are five pillars?

  • Love bring respect

  • Sura Ikhlas, Kawthar and Fatiha

  • 0 review


Duration 4 h 15 min

My Faith for beginners